Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 13, 2024 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 13, 2024

October 13, 2024

Laterally – Adv. – Sideways

October 14, 2024

Polestar – N. – The North Star

October 15, 2024

Adjacent – Adj. – Neighboring or beside

October 16, 2024

Abaft – Prep – To the rear of

October 17, 2024

Salchow – N. – Figure skating jump

October 18, 2024

Martinet – N. – Strict disciplinarian

October 19, 2024

Mesmerize – V. – Spellbind

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 6, 2024

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 13, 2024

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 13, 2024

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 13, 2024 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 13, 2024

October 13, 2024

It is essential to keep company only with people who uplift you, who’s company brings out your best.

October 14, 2024

If you’re overly concerned about what other people think, you will always be their prisoner.

October 15, 2024

It is more important to understand than to memorize.

October 16, 2024

It is better to live well, than to live long.

October 17, 2024

We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.

October 18, 2024

An investment in knowledge pays the best return.

October 19, 2024

Time that is lost is never found again.

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Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 6, 2024

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 13, 2024 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 13, 2024

October 13, 2024

“If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.” – Tan

October 14, 2024

“Swing hard in case you hit it.” – Williams

October 15, 2024

“Give yourself credit for even the smallest steps.” – Notaro

October 16, 2024

“You’re never too young to start an empire and never to old to chase a new dream.” – Minhas

October 17, 2024

“If you always worry about what’s ahead, you always pass up today.” – Wilson

October 18, 2024

“If you’re not having fun, what’s the point, really?” – Garten

October 19, 2024

“You can’t make old friends. You either have them or you don’t.” – Rogers

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Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 6, 2024

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 6, 2024 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024

Platitude – adj. – commonplaces, cliches, truism

October 7, 2014

Salacious – n. – lustful, obscene, lecherous

October 8, 2024

Resilient – n. – elastic, springy, rebounding

October 9, 2024

Incongruous – n. – unsuitable, inharmonious, ill-assorted

October 10, 2024

Effervescent – n. – lively, bubbling, vivacious

October 11, 2024

Disconcerted – n. – confused, taken by surprise, embarrassed

October 12, 2024

Antithesis – adj. – opposite, contrast

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 29, 2024

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 6, 2024

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 6, 2024

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 6, 2024 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024
Part of being a champ is acting like a champ.

October 7, 2024

Time is the wisest counselor of all.

October 8, 2024

Set a goal to be better than you used to be, not better than everyone else.

October 9, 2024

Consider: What rules you?

October 10, 2024

What are the consequences of your actions?

October 11, 2024

Do you show caring/love to others, especially ones you don’t know?

October 12, 2024

Do you have conversations with your God?

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 6, 2024 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024

“If you’re happy, you’re wealthy. If rich people could buy happiness, they would.” – Osaka

October 7, 2024

“Capitalism is about finding solutions to problems.” – Cuban

October 8, 2024

“Nothing in the future exists yet. But anything is possible right now. Including the thing you think you cannot do.”

October 9, 2024

“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” – Dowd

October 10, 2024

“Pretending is a very valuable life skill.” – Streep

October 11, 2024

“Look on every exit as being an entrance to something else.” – Stoppard

October 12, 2024

“To swear off making mistakes is very easy. All you have to do is swear off having ideas.” – Burnett

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Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 29, 2024

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 29, 2024 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

Tild – N. – The squiggle over an N “~”

September 30, 2024

Sigmoid – Adj. – Shaped like an S

October 1, 2024

Decussate – V. – To intersect and form an X

October 2, 2024

Logogram – N. – Symbol standing for a word

October 3, 2024

Burr – N. – Rolled or trilled “r” sound

October 4, 2024

Sibilant – Adj. – Having an “S” or hissing sound

October 5, 2024

Gutteral – Adj. – From the throat

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 28, 2024

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This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 29, 2024

Thoughts-of-the-day-for-the-week-of-september-22-2024 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024
Learn how to win and run run away when you lose.

September 30, 2024

Zeal will do more than knowledge.

October 1, 2024

Seek strength and the rest will follow.
October 2, 2024

Champions aren’t born. They work for it.

October 3, 2024

Ignoring the red flags because you want to see the good in people will cost you later.

October 4, 2024

Ever wonder if aliens lock their doors as they ride past earth?

October 5, 2024

You can’t always leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution.

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Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of September 22, 2024

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 29, 2024 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

“You don’t have to know all the right moves, you just need to know the next one.” – Winfrey

September 30, 2024

“It’s fairly easy to send an innocent person to prison, it’s very difficult to get one out.” – Grisham

October 1, 2024

“Failure is when you don’t try to do something as well as you can. Whn you try to do your best, you have a clear conscience and that’s never a failure.” – Ancelotti

October 2, 2024

“When you’re through changing, you’re through.” – Stewart

October 3, 2024

“You can learn techniques, you can memorize recipes. But to me, the one thing that makes food memorable is when you cook with heart.” – Matsuhisa

October 4, 2024

“I’m willing to invest in myself. I’ve always made a return on that investment.” – Haddish

October 5, 2024

“Just go to the next step. You don’t have to go to the final step. Just the next.” – Judd

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Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 22, 2024

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 28, 2024 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 28, 2024

September 22, 2024

Serif – N. – Lines at the ends of a letter

September 23, 2024

Zed – N. – British “Z”

September 24, 2024

Cursive – Adj. – In flowing penmanship

September 25, 2024

Schwa – N. – An unstressed vowel

September 26, 2024

Aspirate – V. – Pronounce with an “H” sound

September 27, 2024

Majuscule – N. – Uppercase letter

September 28, 2024

Assonant – Adj.- With the same vowel sound

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 15, 2024

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of September 22, 2024

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 22, 2024