So, Let's consider: Just what are they all talking about??!!

So, Let’s consider: Just what are they all talking about??!!

It wasn’t that long ago that we all used to keep a few nickels, dimes or quarters (depending on how old you are) in our car to be able to make calls from a pay phone when we needed to. Those were the days when you could go down the aisles of the grocery without running into or better yet being run INTO by some idiot that was more intent on talking on their phone than dealing with the issues at hand. You could stand in the queue at the poney express office and get through the line quickly as you didn’t have to wait for some asshole that was at the counter and more intent about talking on their damn phone than taking care of business and letting the rest of us behind them take care of business as well.
Then there’s the idiots that are more intent on talking on their cell phones than driving safely! That’s one of my biggest peeves! They’ll pull out in front of you, take their time with driving because the phone call is much more important than anyone else on the road or better yet, more important that traffic safety!
Used to be we’d look at people talking to themselves and realize we’re dealing with someone that’s just not totally mentally with it. I’m reminded about this every time I go to my local Walmart and see all these idiots walking around talking to an ear plug…if indeed they actually have an ear plug on.
I applaud all the municipalities that are creating hands free laws, I just wish they’d enforce them better.
I’m still at a total loss as to just what is so important that people risk not only their own safety but that of many others on the highway. Clearly, in most cases, they’re totally oblivious to their surroundings and totally intent on what’s going on in their ear.
Wise up, people! Hang up the phone AND DRIVE! Hang up the phone and GET YOUR SHOPPING DONE!
I’m waiting for cases of “shopping rage” to start showing up where people get pissed off to the point that they grab the phone from the idiots in front of them in line or at the counter that are more intent on talking than conducting business, and end the conversation or worse yet throw the offending person’s phone on the floor. Frankly, I’d kinda welcome it in a few places.
Folks, I’m not against cell phones or using them. But PLEASE be judicious and considerate of others and your own safety when you do. There are no conversations that are that important.

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

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