Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of April 28, 2024

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of April 28, 2024

April 28, 2024

Lustre – Gentle radiance

April 29, 2024

Soporific – Sleep inducing

April 30, 2024

Gibbous – With more than a half-circle but not a full circle

May 1, 2024

Earthshine – Sunlight reflected from the Earth onto the moon.

May 2, 2024

Nock – Notch on an arrow that fits the bowstring

May 3, 2024

Bight – Curve in a coast forming a bay

May 4, 2024

Buccal – Relating to the mouth

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This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of April 28, 2024

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