Topic: Word of the Day

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 18, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 18, 2018
February 18, 2018
Valuta – n. – a currency’s value when exchanged for another currency
February 19, 2018
Dyslexia – n. – a disorder that involves difficulty learning by reading
February 20, 2018
Misanthrope – n. – a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society
February 21, 2018
Famulus – n. – an assistant, especially for a magician or a scholar
February 22, 2018
Kittle – adj. – difficult to deal with or prone to erratic behaviour
February 23, 2018
Fantod – n. – a state or attack of uneasiness or unreasonableness
February 24, 2018
Monologue – n. – a long speech by one actor
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 11, 2018

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 11, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 11, 2018
February 11, 2018
Sensuous – adj. – affecting theses rather than the intellect
February 12, 2018
Sovkhoz – n. – a state owned farm un the former USSR
February 13, 2018
Parhelion – n. – a bright spot appearing on the sun
February 14, 2018
Heliacal – adj. – relating to or near the sun
February 15, 2018
Ribald – adj. – referencing sex in amusingly rude or irreverent ways
February 16, 2018
Descrescent – adj. – waning of the moon
February 17, 2018
Prelapsarian – adj. – innocent and unspoilt
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 4, 2018

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 4, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of February 4, 2018
February 4, 2018
Braggart – n. – a person who boasts about thier achievements
February 5, 2018
Casuist – n. – a perosn who uses clever but unsound reasoning
February 6, 2018
Tathata – n. – the ultimate inexpressible nature of all things
February 7, 2018
Contradance – n. a type of country dance
February 8, 2018
Allegory – n. – a story or image having a hidden meaning
February 9, 2018
Discerption – n. – the action of pulling something apart
February 10, 2018
Iconolatry – n. – the worship of icons
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of January 28, 2018

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of January 28, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of January 28, 2018
January 28, 2018
Acidulous – adj. – sharp tasting or sour
January 29, 2018
Dendroid – adj. – a tree shaped plant, marine invertebrate or structure
January 30, 2018
Succedaneum – n. – a substitute – especially for a medicine or drug
January 31, 2018
Coiffeur – n. – a hairdresser
February 1, 2018
Kulfi – n. – a type of Indian ice cream
February 2, 2018
Caboodle – n. – the whole number of things under consideration
February 3, 2018
Obstreperous – adj. – noisy and difficult to control
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of January 21, 2018

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of January 21, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of January 21, 2018
January 21, 2018
Clerisy – n. – a distinct class of learned or literary people
January 22, 2018
Reflet – n. – lustre or iridescence – especially on ceramics
January 23, 2018
Peevish – adj. – having or showing a irritable disposition
January 24, 2018
Jotun – n. – a member of the race of giants
January 25, 2018
Forgo – V. – to go without
January 26, 2018
Trustafarian – n. – a rich young person with a bohemian lifestyle
January 27, 2018
Sciolist – n. – someone pretending to be knowledgeable and well informed
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 14, 2018

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 14, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 14, 2018
January 14, 2018
Retiarius – n. – an ancient Roman gladiator armed with a net
January 15, 2018
Costate – adj. – ribbed or possessing a costa
January 16, 2018
Diagnosis – n. – the identification of an illness or problem by examination of symptoms
January 17, 2018
Dysphoria – n. – a state of unease or dissatisfaction with life
January 18, 2018
Cote-hardie – n. – a medieval close fitting tunic with sleeves
January 19, 2018
Vacuous – adj. – showing a lack of thought or intellect
January 20, 2018
Literacy – n. – the ability to ready and write
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 7, 2018

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 7, 2018 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 7, 2018
January 7, 2018
Bunkum – n. – nonsense
January 8, 2018
Barathea – n. – a fine woolen cloth used chiefly for coats
January 9, 2018
Liebchen – n. – a person who is very dear to another
January 10, 2018
Gosling – n. – a young goose
January 11, 2018
Timorous – adj. – showing nervousness or a lack of confidence
January 12, 2018
Teapoy – n. – a small three legged table with a tea caddy
January 13, 2018
Percuss – v. – to tap the body as part of a diagnosis
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Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of December 31, 2017

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of December 31, 2017 0

Word Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Evanescent – adj. – vanishing; fading away; fleeting
January 1, 2018
Immutable – adj. – unchangeable
January 2, 2018
Crass – adj. – showing no intelligence or sensitivity
January 3, 2018
Basilect – n. – a less prestigious dialect of a particular language
January 4, 2018
Spork – n. – a spoon-shaped utensil with short tines at the tip – combination eating utensil looking like a spoon and fork
January 5, 2018
Monsignor – n. – a title of various senior Roman Catholic posts
January 6, 2018
Pataphysics – n. – the philosophy of an imaginary realm beyond metaphysics