Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 11, 2018 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 11, 2018

November 11, 2018
You have to have rain to get a rainbow.
November 12, 2018
Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who put them into action are priceless.
November 13, 2018
Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.
November 14, 2018
If someone tells you nothing is impossible, ask them to gargle with their mouth shut.
November 15, 2018
A conservative is a Democrat who’s been mugged.
November 16, 2018
A kindergarten teacher is a person who knows how to make little things count.
November 17, 2018
Managing is getting paid for home runs someone else hits.
Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 11, 2018 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 11, 2018

November 11, 2018
“Those who go to college and never get out are called professors.” – Anon
November 12, 2018
“She’s an honor student. She’s always saying, “Yes, Your Honor. No, Your Honor…” – Anon
November 13, 2018
“I’ve never been drunk, but I have been overserved.” – Gobel
November 14, 2018
“Perfect competition is a theoretical concept like the Euclidean line, which has no width and no depth. Just as we’ve never seen that line there has never been truly
free enterprise.” – Friedman
November 15, 2018
“You can’t win without being completely different. When someone else says we are crazy, I say, gee we really must be on to something.” – Ellison
November 16, 2018
“A zealous sense of mission is only possible where there is opposition to it.” – Ewing
November 17, 2018
“In a garage somewhere, an entrepreneur is forging a bullet with your company’s name on it.” – Hamel
Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018

November 4, 2018
Nummular – adj. – relating to coin or coins
November 5, 2018
Quale – n. – a quality or property as experienced by someone
November 6, 2018
Thrive – v. – to grow or develop well or vigorously
November 7, 2018
Hendecagon – n. – a plane figure with 11 straight sides
November 8, 2018
Passata – n. – a thick paste made from sieved tomatoes
November 9, 2018
Tutelary – adj. – serving as a protector, guardian or patron
November 10, 2018
Tansu – n. – a Japanese chest of drawers or cabinet
Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
Going shopping with your husband is like going fishing with the game warden.
November 5, 2018
God made man before woman because he didn’t want any advice on how to do it.
November 6, 2018
By the time a man is rich enough to sleep late, he’s too old to enjoy it.
November 7, 2018
Definition of Father’s Day: Same as Mother’s Day, but you don’t spend as much.
November 8, 2018
There’s no such thing as a nonworking mother.
November 9, 2018
God couldn’t be everywhere, therefore he made mothers.
November 10, 2018
If you want your ship to come in, you must build a dock.
Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
“A quotation is what a speaker wants to say, unlike a soundbite which is all an interviewer allows you to say.” – Benn
November 5, 2018
“Reflective back talk increases a leader’s ability to make good decisions.” – Bennis
November 6, 2018
“It would be superficial to think that the Soviet Union could be bought for dollars.” – Gorbachev
November 7, 2018
“I believe that if you’re going to take someone on, you might as well take on the biggest brand in the world.” – Branson
November 8, 2018
“Nothing focuses the mind better than the constant sight of a competitor who wants to wipe you off the map.” – Calloway
November 9, 2018
“The bigger they come the harder they fall.” – Fitzsimmons
November 10, 2018
“Oil is like a wild animal. Whoever captures it has it.” – Getty
Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018
October 28, 2018
Denouement – n. – the final resolution of a plot
October 29, 2018
Emotive – adj. – arousing or able arouse intense feeling
October 30, 2018
Bildungsroman – n. – a novel dealing with one person’s formative years
October 31, 2018
Beleaguer – v. – lay siege to
November 1, 2018
Whippersnapper – n. – a young inexperienced person considered presumptuous or overconfident
November 2, 2018
Terpsichorean – adj. – relating to dancing
November 3, 2018
Muskeg – n. – a swamp or bog in northern North America

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of October 21, 2018

Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018
October 28, 2018
If you don’t go to people’s funerals, they won’t come to yours.
October 29, 2018
Death is just nature’s way of telling you to slow down.
October 30, 2018
Some drink from the fountain of knowledge while others just gargle.
October 31, 2018
No woman ever shot her husband while he was doing the dishes.
November 1, 2018
A smart husband buys his wife very fine china so she won’t trust him to wash it.”
November 2, 2018
Never get married in the morning, because you never know who you’ll meet that night.”
November 3, 2018
A man who boasts he never made a mistake is often married to a woman who did.
Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 21, 2018

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 28, 2018
October 28, 2018
“I stay away from natural foods. At my age I need all the preservatives I can get.” – Burns
October 29, 2018
“Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.” – Hazlitt
October 30, 2018
“It was going all wrong in my college interview until I nonchalantly asked, “Do you need any large donations for new buildings?” – Anderson
October 31, 2018
“Money, as a physical medium of exchange, has mad a diversified civilisation possible.” – Stamp
November 1, 2018
“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” – Einstein
November 2, 2018
“To ask the hard question is simple.” – Auden
November 3, 2018
“When you have nothing to say, say nothing.” – Colton
Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of October 21, 2018

So, Let's consider: Guarding Against Identity Theft 0

So, Let’s consider: Guarding Against Identity Theft

Identity Theft. We’ve all heard it. Some of us have be the victims of it. It’s a royal pain in the ass when it happens to you. It’s not going away any time soon.
So, let’s consider a few things we can do to help protect ourselves in this war against identity thieves.

Memorize your Social Security Number (SSN) and leave the card at home!

Frankly, unless you’re applying for a job or have to show proof of citizenship, etc., there’s no real reason to be carrying your SSN card around with you at all. Leave it at home in a secure place. Perhaps the same place you leave your passport, birth certificate, etc.
Your SSN is THE biggest piece of identity information that a thief would want. Once they have it, there’s very little about you that they can get, find and use against you. It IS the key to your identity.


We’ve already said that it’s the single most useful key to you that anyone would want. So, don’t give it out to anyone that doesn’t have a REAL need for it.
Real needs to NOT include: Credit card application, “we need it for ID”, or my favorite: “we need it for our computer…” Trust me, their computer won’t die of malnutrition if it doesn’t have your SSN and if they want your business they’ll find another way.
One of the biggest issues I run into with SSN’s is things like doctor’s offices that think they need it to “verify your insurance.” Uh, that’s what your insurance card is for. Period, end of story. Ask them how they treat patients that aren’t US citizens and you’ll find that they generally assign them some arbitrary number – tell them to do the same for you. Having been in IT for over 35 years I’ve seen how your SSN can be used and abused against you and trust me you don’t want it out in some medical history database for any other insurance companies or vendors to be able to paw through at will.
Further if your student ID or driver’s license is your SSN, ask that it be removed and that another number be issued to you immediately.

Get a good shredder and USE IT

In getting a shredder you want one of those models that makes total confetti out of what you feed into it. The ones that just make strips of paper out of your documents are basically useless. Here what you’re doing is making the other guy’s data easier to use than yours. Thieves are generally looking for quick access to information and if you make yours hard to get then they’ll most likely go on to someone else that’s not as smart.
If you have a fireplace or a fire pit handy, use it. In my office I have 2 trash cans by my desk. One is for non-burnables (empty coke cans, etc) and the other is a paper bag for burnables…I call it my “burn bag”. When it gets full, I take it over to the fire place and strike a match to it. Problem solved.

Shed or burn anything sensitive

My personal policy is that if it has “names or numbers” on it, it gets shredded or burned. This includes credit card statements, bank statements, anything from any government agency, tax office, business associates, etc. If it’s not something I wouldn’t mind reading on the front page of the Washington Post, it gets shredded.

Use public Wi-Fi hot spots with care

Connecting to Wi-Fi in the coffee shop can be really convenient, but don’t use it to pay your phone bill. Same thing with any other public Wi-Fi connection be it at the airport, school, shopping center, etc. Presume that someone is monitoring what you’re sending across the internet, and trust me it’s not hard to do.
Further, if you don’t see “HTTPS” at the start of your web url line, DO NOT EVER trust the connection for any financial transaction security or any other connection security that you’re going to be sending someone private data to. Connections without the httpS at the front of them are presumed to be unsecure by definition.

Use common sense with your mail

OK, this may sound redundant, but don’t leave your outgoing mail in a pile somewhere. Put it IN the US Mailbox. Also give serious consideration to getting a post office box for your mail. They’re not cheap but they’re not that expensive either and they can buy you a lot of peace of mind when it comes to reducing the risk of someone pilfering through your stuff.

Treat your personal information as “need to know”

To many this is obvious but you’d really be surprised how stupid some people can be. If it’s your private information and someone doesn’t have a need to know it, don’t tell them! When filling out forms that want your whole life history and all the information they can get about you, THINK! If they don’t need it to provide the services that you’re negotiating for, then don’t give it to them! You can’t control what other people do with your information but you can damn sure prevent them from getting it in the first place!
This also extends to what you share on social media. Presume that if you post it to your page that the whole world can find out about it. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid people can be when I read “we’re going to Aruba next Sunday for 2 weeks!”….if I’m looking for a house to hit I now know I have 2 weeks to hit theirs! Wait until AFTER you come back to post your pictures from your vacation and share your good times with others. And avoid the “check in” options on social media where restaurants and other sites use the “check in at Charley’s bar and grill” feature while you’re there. You’re just telling the world where you are and making yourself a target. THINK!

Don’t share PIN’s or passwords – and don’t write them down!

You’d be surprised how obvious this is and how frequently it’s what compromises a persons security. Never tell anyone security access information unless you not only trust them BUT that they also have need to know. And, NEVER WRITE THEM DOWN in a public place – like posting them to your fridge door, under your keyboard, post it pads on your computer screen, etc. This is just asking for problems and they will find you.
These tips are not intended to be totally foolproof or to provide 100% security. Nothing can do that, but they’ll go a long way to making someone else a much easier target for someone that wants to do harm. Don’t make life easy for criminals. They’re unforgiving once they find a way to get what they want and that can be really expensive and painful for you to recover from
Finally, some companies offer what they call “identity theft insurance”. If you look at this kind of a policy, use a strong reputable firm and make sure you read all the details before you sign up. Caveat emptor.
If you feel that your privacy has been compromised, contact the appropriate agency, vendor, credit card company, law enforcement agency, etc., and get things resolved quickly. The sooner you’re aware and act the sooner things can get fixed. Be proactive at all times. Read and review all your financial statements watching for any anomalies and transactions that you didn’t incur.
Here’s hoping that you’ve gained a few items you can use from this list and that the crooks find someone else more interesting than you.

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

So, Let's consider: Some Safety Tips For Halloween 0

So, Let’s consider: Some Safety Tips For Halloween

OK, so the night of the ghosts and goblins is upon us… Yes folks it’s time again for Halloween! The night when kids young and old dress up as their favorite ghoul and go out for some gold…well, maybe some candy and other treats.
So, let’s look at a few safety tips to help insure your night out with the spirits is a safe one.

Safety starts at home!

Safety starts at home. So, make sure to remove any item that could harm a kid. This includes things like garden hoses across the lawn, toys, bikes, garden tools like rakes, and other lawn decorations or trash that could be a hazard to any little munchkin meandering by.
Make sure the sidewalks are swept of leaves, branches and anything else that could be a hazard and make sure that the outside areas are well lit and all light bulbs are working and in good order.
Finally, make sure your pets are out of the way and out of the picture. Nothing could ruin an evening faster than having Fido jump on a little child and scare them. Also, sometimes pets and little dressed up goblins don’t mix very well and giving Fido a vacation in the basement or on the back porch is a good idea.

Getting all dressed up

Looking the part of your favorite monster is what it’s all about, but let’s make sure that people can see you and your kids. Also make sure that the costumes can be seen at night and reflect light well. If they’re going to have to be dark like a witch’s dress, etc., put some reflective tape on the outfit and make sure the bag she’s carrying is reflective and highly visible in light.
Test out the outfit ahead of time. Make sure it fits well and your munchkin is comfortable walking around in it. Also, make sure you use non-toxic and non-allergenic makeups so that there’s less of a chance of any skin reactions.
As for swords, toy guns, etc., make sure that the swords are not sharp and that your kid knows how to be careful with them in a crowd. Also, remind them that if they’re approached by an officer that this is not the time to show them your toy gun.
Finally, be careful on the use of eye makeup and accessories in and around the eyes. Preferably avoid them as they can accidentally damage an eye. If you have any questions a quick consult with your pediatrician would be in order.

The fun part – trick or treating

This is the part where parents have the most responsibility. Make sure you have a good strong flashlight with fresh batteries and that you take your cell phone with you and that it’s fully charged. Always know where you are when you’re out with your kid in case you have to make that 9-1-1 call.
Only go to houses that have the lights on. People not participating in the evenings ghoulish activities generally will just simply turn off the front porch light as a signal. NEVER let the children go inside a home or car and make sure you go with them to the houses, but keep a safe distance as no little monsters want their parents interfering in the candy snatching.
Like the kids, make sure that people can see YOU at night as well. The same tips for light and reflective clothing applies to parents as well as kids.
Never let the kids cross across yards or run out into the streets from between cars. Remind them to cross as crossings only. Again, looking both ways before crossing any road is excellent advice. Don’t presume, make sure.

Other items

There’s always an “other” item and Halloween events are no exception.
Give your kids a good meal before they go out. This will help insure they don’t have an evening diet of just sugar.
Remind the kids to say “thank you”. This means a lot to those that are giving them the goodies.
I also heavily recommend that the kids hold off on diving into their loot until they get home and you’ve had a chance to look through it for any problem issues. It doesn’t happen very often, but you still need to be aware of tampered with candies and some home made goodies that may be best thrown out vs consumed.
Also, consider using gifts for your visitors that aren’t edibles. I know people that will use things like fifty cent pieces or small coloring books. A fifty cent piece, and you’ll have to arrange with your bank ahead of time on this, is the largest coin we now have in circulation and for little kids is a real wow’er. But then, this would also depend on how many kids you have coming to your door.
Try to limit how many and how fast your monsters dive into their loot. This helps them to not only enjoy them over a longer period of time, but it’s also a lot more healthy for them as well.
Have a fun and safe outing with your munchkins and I hope all your candies are good ones!
I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.