New Shingles Vaccine – Shingrix – and you should be looking it over 0

New Shingles Vaccine – Shingrix – and you should be looking it over
OK, so this week it was time to once again make a periodic pilgrimage to my family doctor. This also meant filling out the same forms I seem to have to fill out with each visit…it’s like they think my name, birthday,
sex, etc., have changed in 6 months. Haven’t these people ever heard of computers?
Anyway, back to my point. I’m a big proponent of prevention. Keeping current on my vaccines is generally high on my hit parade of discussion topics during these meetings. Come to find out there’s a relatively new vaccine out for shingles. It’s called Shingrix. It’s a two-part process, which means you get one shot today and the 2nd one in a month or so as part of the standard regiment plan. You can generally get it at your local pharmacy and if you have a chemist like mine, she has this unique smile when you mention getting a vaccination – I think she likes giving shots – but frankly I wouldn’t trade her…and my local pharmacy is generally where I get my vaccinations.
The older version of this vaccine was called Zostavax and like many of you I had that as well. But, come to find out, it is believed to be only 50% effective over time whereas Shingrix is believed to be closer to 97%. Shingrix is also made with a completely different biological process – you could say it’s the new and improved, latest and greatest. And, I’m all for this kind of progress!
For those of you that haven’t had shingles, trust me, you don’t want them. We’re talking painful…as in kidney stones and giving birth levels of pain. I’ve not had it, but everything I’ve ever read and heard has assured me conclusively that it’s not to be on my bucket list of things to do. If you’ve ever had chicken pox you’re a good candidate for shingles. But you don’t have to have had a full blown case of c.pox to get shingles.
So, why am I even bringing this out, after all, I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on TV…? Simple. Prevention is the better part of cure. Clearly there’s something that’s new, safe and substantially more effective than the older version and it’s something you need to be talking with your primary care provider(s) about. Like many other vaccinations, it’s one you can get easily at most local pharmacies.
So, I recommend you add this to the conversation list of your next doctor’s visit and give it serious consideration. A couple of shots could save you some major pain and discomfort.
Here’s a few links for your continued research and study:
Standard legal CYA caveat: Always talk with your medical professional before making medical decisions.
I’m Don Rima, and that’s the view, From Where I Stand.

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 10, 2018 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 10, 2018
June 10, 2018
“Other people’s problems are more easily solved than your own.”
June 11, 2018
“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.”
June 12, 2018
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
June 13, 2018
“Know when it’s time to leave.”
June 14, 2018
“A good short life is better than a long bad life.”
June 15, 2018
“Conduct yourself with dignity.”
June 16, 2018
“Hold yourself to a higher standard.”
Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018
Exemplar – n. – someone or thing serving as a typical example
June 4, 2018
Incipit – n. – opening of a manuscript or early printed book
June 5, 2018
Boodle – n. – money, especially that gained or spent illegally
June 6, 2018
Floccose – adj. – covered with or consisting of woolly tufts
June 7, 2018
Ichor – n. – the fluid flowing in the veins of gods
June 8, 2018
Ecdysiast – n. – a striptease performer
June 9, 2018
Gibus – n. – a type of collapsible top hat
Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018
“The pencil always lasts longer than the eraser.”
June 4, 2018
“Experience creates knowledge.”
June 5, 2018
“Your money is not your life.”
June 6, 2018
“He who forgives ends the quarrel.”
June 7, 2018
“Never put of saying ‘I love you’,”
June 8, 2018
“Live up to your reputation.”
June 9, 2018
“Appetite rises to meet the food supply.”
Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018
“We know the good but we do not practice it.” – Euripides
June 4, 2018
“We ship them our garbage. We believe in full disclosure.” – Ellison
June 5, 2018
“Change means avoiding the predictable and known ways of doing things which we learn to adjust to.” – Jones
June 6, 2018
“A busines cannot stand stil. It has to be dynamic. The world around us changes all the time and there can be no holy cows.” – Horlick
June 7, 2018
“Only man is not content to leave things as they are but must always be changing them, and when he as done so, is seldom satisfied at the result.” – Huxley
June 8, 2018
“In order for an ideal to become a reality, there must be a person, a personality to translate it.” – Jackson
June 9, 2018
“If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch eye of the world.” – Janeway
Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018

Newt Gingrich's take on the current Mueller-DOJ-Russia mess 0

Newt Gingrich’s take on the current Mueller-DOJ-Russia mess
Here’s Newt Gingrich’s current take on the Mueller – Lack-of-a-DOJ fiasco. Frankly, I think he’s on the money:
The current Mueller-DOJ-Russia mess is almost impossible to understand because it is made up of five parallel scandals.
For months, as I wrote my new book, Trump’s America, I tried to better understand news as it emerged from the Justice Department – and I still am. There are so many moving parts, personalities, and dates that it is difficult to track. However, as a trained historian, I began creating an orderly outline for people, dates, and events.
I realized that the scandal is so big, so complex, and involves so many people with power that codifying it really required me to draw from my experience writing novels. There are so many egos and there is so much manipulative behavior, dishonesty (and dishonesty about the dishonesty) that it is very difficult to explain it as a straightforward history. It could be more easily explained as a narrative of ambition, illegality, and criminal plotting.
Finally, it hit me that the real problem is that there are five parallel and often interlocked scandals going on in concert:
1. The Clintons have been breaking the law and getting away with it at least since Hillary made nearly $100,000 from a $1,000 investment in cattle futures in 1978-1979. For 40 years the Clintons have acted as though there were no laws which applied to them. They have surrounded themselves with lawyers and simply muscled their way through every scandal. The scale of Clinton illegal activity is so large and so widespread that no one has been able to fully describe it – although Peter Schweizer made a pretty good start with his book Clinton Cash.
2. The extraordinary deep state defense of Hillary, combined with the systematic avoidance of exposing and dealing with her illegal behaviors while protecting her staff members when they support and participate in her illegality, is beyond anything we have seen in American history.
3. The calculated effort to undermine and discredit then-candidate and now-President Donald Trump is actually a continuation of a deep anti-Republican bias in the Justice Department. This DOJ tradition is well catalogued in Sidney Powell’s stunning book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. If you have any illusions about the DOJ’s objectivity, keep in mind that employees of this department gave 97 percent of their 2016 campaign donations to Hillary – while the department was supposedly investigating her for illegally using a private email server to send and receive classified information as secretary of state. With each passing week, we are learning more about the extraordinary abuses of power designed to undermine President Trump and punish his supporters (a direct contrast to the treatment of Clinton and her staff). The aggressive abuse of power has led both Alan Dershowitz and former Clinton advisor Mark Penn to warn that limitless police power is a danger to all of us.
4. The scandal of the deep state resistance to accountability and transparency has also been astounding. As a career deep state member, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has consistently resisted inquiries by Congress. Documents requested by the Senate Judiciary Committee were heavily redacted for supposed national security reasons – which turned out to have nothing to do with national security (including the fact that the FBI had spent $70,000 on a conference table). Meanwhile, more than a million documents were withheld from the House Judiciary Committee for so long that the committee had to issue a subpoena. The reason for this deep state resistance is simple. Transparency is going to get a lot of people in trouble – and it goes to the very top. When Lisa Page wrote Peter Strzok in September 2016, “POTUS wants to know everything,” there is good reason to believe President Obama was the one she was referring to as ‘POTUS.’ If President Obama wanted to know everything, given the way his White House worked, it is very likely his senior advisor Valerie Jarrett knew everything. The more we learn, the bigger the scandal web gets.
5. Panic is breaking out among senior people who engaged in illegal activities because they thought President Hillary Clinton would protect them. Suddenly, they find themselves in danger of criminal charges. That is why people like former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan grow increasingly hysterical in their TV appearances.
I did my best to succinctly capture this moment in American history in Trump’s America, but each one of these five scandals is worthy of its own detailed book. Taken together, they are a mound of illegalities, abuses, dishonesty, and manipulation – on a scale that has never before occurred in America.
I suspect when all these scandals are unraveled, a political and cultural reckoning in Washington will follow.
I’m Don Rima, and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

Responding to yet another gun violence editorial… 0

Responding to yet another gun violence editorial…
I get a lot of periodicals. Frankly, I read their index and if the article(s) impress me I’ll read the articles.
I got a medical journal in today’s post and like many other editors, this one decided that it was important
for her to jump on the gun bandwagon. Actually, hers was better than most, but still leaned more away from
dealing with the real sources of violence than I would have liked. So I replied:
I’m glad to read that your comments were more balanced than most I read of late, especially in the liberal media.
We DO have a problem. Even though it partially manifests itself through the improper use of guns, it’s not per se a gun problem. It IS a VIOLENCE problem.
Guns have been around for a very long time. We used to even have shooting teams in schools and at scouting meetings. Kids would bring their own guns for target practice, have them in their cars/trucks, etc. I would
point you to recent comments by the Governor of Kentucky on this. I agree with his opinion, it’s not a gun problem(
You referred to the events at Douglas High where CLEARLY had the FBI and local law enforcement been doing their jobs instead of being politically correct or trying to oust a sitting president instead of protecting students, these events may have been prevented. Law enforcement failed Douglas.
So, why do we of recent history have an increased violence issue? Why are people using violence as their means of choice? I don’t have the answers, but I do have a few questions and concerns:
Clearly the psychological impact of the massive violence that kids are inundated with in the media, on TV, in the movies, with incredibly violent video games HAS to have a negative impact on them. Clearly we can’t have a generation being raised on the evening murder du jour or playing violent games like “grand theft auto” (where killing cops and people is encouraged) and it not have a negative impact on them.
The massive degradation of the family unit clearly has a negative impact.
The lack of church attendance and respect for church values has a negative impact.
Lack of respect for life is a problem and lessening of the value of life clearly has to be impacted by how life’s
value has no value in what kids are being given/shown/presented/bombarded with in the media/movies/games/etc.
The media and authorities are looking for a quick and politically correct “out” for the problem. To them guns are the issue and removing guns will be the global solution to the problem. Well, history shows us that just doesn’t work. I would refer you to recent events in Australia where all guns were outlawed and in theory confiscated – violent crime soared because the criminals knew that the victims were defenseless. This continued until Aussie citizens obtained weapons on the black market and started being able to defend themselves. Also, look at the UK, where also firearms are outlawed – London recently surpassed NYC in the number of murders. Clearly, violence will find the tools it wants to do the deeds it will. The question remains, will you be able to defend yourself or your family when it does? Keep in mind that when second count, cops are minutes away. And we can’t expect them to be everywhere all the time. That’s just not possible.
Guns are inanimate objects. And if you took high school physics you know that an object at rest will stay there until acted upon by an external force. Period. That’s just a fact of life. Some people just need to learn to deal with that fact.
When we have a drunk driver committing a vehicular homicide do we blame Ford? Why not? We blame the gun! Do we blame the car dealer for selling the drunk the car? Why not? We blame gun manufacturers and vendors. Do we blame the AAA or other automotive associations for the events? Nope, but liberals will blame the NRA. Same thing goes for any other crime committed with a vehicle – robbery, theft, kidnapping, etc… With these crimes we correctly blame the CRIMINAL. The perpetrator of the crime. NOT the car… The only reason guns get blamed is because they don’t fit the politically correct agendas of left wing socialist media and mindsets that would rather not deal with the causes of the real issues. Now, some liberals will respond with “you have to have a license to drive a car”… No you don’t. Consider how many auto thefts there are each week…and how many people don’t have licenses yet drive – let alone those that drive without insurance which is another law issue.
In the medical world, we would liken this to the stupidity of thinking that of giving tylenol to a patient with brain cancer as the solution to their problems, while totally ignoring the causes of the disease. America and society needs to stop ignoring the causes of the violence disease, find them and deal with them. And quickly. This continued trend of dealing with the symptoms by thinking that getting rid of guns is the solution, is only going to kill our patient, our society, our fellow man, our kids and ourselves.
Pardon the pun, but there is no “silver bullet” here. It would more than appear that the causes of why we are here and having this discussion are many and will take time and effort to change. But, we need to deal with the causes of the violence as violence will use a baseball bat, knife, machette, steak knife or whatever tools it can do achieve it’s goals. And being one that likes not only baseball but a good steak, I’d hate to see the politically correct being allowed to misdirect us from a proper and correct solution.
I’m Don Rima, and that the view, From Where I Stand.

Why is it snowflakes and liberals can't do math??? 0

Why is it snowflakes and liberals can’t do math???
OK, I’ve had enough of this left wing BS. I was recently more or less accused of supporting the “blood sport of killing children” because to me clearly the publix food chain totally, and wrongly, capitulated to the socialist demands of Soros’s pet pigg. Frankly, I think they should have hauled out all those “die in” idiots, provided they didn’t get stomped on by justifiably irate customers, and thrown their sorry asses in jail! Sorry, the first amendment doesn’t allow you to disrupt business at Publix or anywhere else! Frankly, Publix you WIMPED OUT!
NOBODY supports the “blood sport of killing children”. But only a small vocal segment are using it to push their socialist agenda.
I just do not understand why liberals can’t do math. Look at the facts:
Yes, a small number of kids have been killed in unfortunate school related incidents. Let’s say that the number in recent history is 200 +/-…
– Texting while driving
– Drunk driving and/or drunk drivers
– Drugs
– NON-GUN related homicides…
– Gang violence
– The FBI publishes a list every year – GO READ IT!
Whereas the 200 or so are a definite concern issue, WHY ARE THE TENS OF THOUSANDS BEING TOTALLY IGNORED????
You’ll tell me there’s laws for drunk drivers, YES! And there’s laws for gun use….etc! So, WHY are the tens of thousands being ignored?
Best reason so far, is that drunk driving, cell phone use, school kids being butchered by other means, etc., just don’t matter to socialists who have an anti gun agenda. To them using the 200 to get rid of your 2nd amendment rights is the only things that matter and the tens of thousands…well, they’re just ignored…to them just collateral damage…just not part of the socialist and liberal media current politically correct agenda…
WAKE UP LEFTIES! DEAD IS DEAD! If you think that a parent that loses a kid to a stabbing, drunk driver or another means hurts any less than one killed in school, you’re WRONG! If you think a cop likes telling parents in their home that their kid was stabbed by some gang, YOU’RE WRONG.
Once again, wake up call for socialists and liberals – It’s NOT A GUN ISSUE – IT’S A VIOLENCE ISSUE! Criminals don’t care about laws. Criminals will do ANYTHING they can to do their deeds! That’s the facts. YOU need to wake up, understand and accept the reality.
As for me, I’d love to see a solution for the violence that killed the 200 just as much as I would the tens of thousands killed by other means of violence… It’s just unfortunate that the socialist left wing media and the anti-gun movement is more intent in inflicting a version of their politically correct panacea on America than dealing with the disease at the causes of the violence.
I’m Don Rima, and that’s the view From Where I Stand….

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018
May 27, 2018
Illiterati – n. – people who are not well educated or well informed
May 28, 2018
Inanimate – adj. – not alive or without life
May 29, 2018
Exemplum – n. – and example or model
May 30, 2018
Distingue – adj. – having a distinguished manner or appearance
May 31, 2018
Perorate – v. – speak at length
June 1, 2018
Salutary – adj. – producing good or beneficial effects
June 2, 2018
Repugnance – n. – intense disgust
Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 20, 2018

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018 0

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 27, 2018
May 27, 2018
Silence is the hardest argument to refute.
May 28, 2018
From the sublime to the rediculous is but a step.
May 29, 2018
Do not wait for a rainy day to fix your roof.
May 30, 2018
The deed will praise itself.
May 31, 2018
Anger is a brief madness, but it can do damage that lasts forever.
June 1, 2018
Respect tradition.
June 2, 2018
You cannot lose what you never had.
Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of May 20, 2018