Topic: Quote of the Day

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 15, 2023 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 15, 2023

October 15, 2023

Digerati – N. – People versed in computer technology

October 16, 2023

Wonky – Adj. – Not working correctly

October 17, 2023

Odyssey – N. – Long journey

October 18, 2023

Nemesis – N. – Archenemy

October 19, 2023

Delphic – Adj. – Ambiguous

October 20, 2023

Vestal – Adj. – Chaste

October 21, 2023

Narcissistic – Adj. – Self obsessed

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 8, 2023

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 15, 2023

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 15, 2023

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 15, 2023 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 15, 2023

October 15, 2023

“If we are true to ourselves, we can not be false to anyone.” – Shakespeare

October 16, 2023

“Don’t behave as if you are destined to live forever” – Marcus Aurelius

October 17, 2023

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” – Pilgrim

October 18, 2023

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” – Fitzgerald

October 19, 2023

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” – Frank

October 20, 2023

“To think too much is a disease.” – Dostoevsky

October 21, 2023

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” – Confucius

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 8, 2023

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 8, 2023 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 8, 2023

October 8, 2023

Top up – V. – Buy more time for a phone

October 9, 2023

Clamshell – N. – A phone that flips open

October 10, 2023

Faceplate – N. – Cell phone cover

October 11, 2023

Phish – V. – To con out of private info

October 12, 2023

Phreak – V. – Tamper with phone systems

October 13, 2023

Viral – Adj. – Fast spreading on the web

October 14, 2023

Chatterbot – N. – Simulation of a person talking

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 1, 2023

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of October 8, 2023

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 8, 2023

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 8, 2023 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 8, 2023

October 8, 2023

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Bezos

October 9, 2023

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Angelou

October 10, 2023

“You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.” – Epictetus

October 11, 2023

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.” – Malraux

October 12, 2023

“United we stand, divided we fall.” – Aesop

October 13, 2023

“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.” – Tzu

October 14, 2023

“To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.” – Twain

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 1, 2023

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 1, 2023 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of October 1, 2023

October 1, 2023

“There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend.” – Socrates

October 2, 2023

“My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me.” – Al-Shafi‘i

October 3, 2023

“Any person capable of angering you becomes your master.” – Epictetus

October 4, 2023

“He who avoids complaint invites happiness.” – Abu Bakr

October 5, 2023

“Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness.” – Al-Ghazali

October 6, 2023

“Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation.” – Gandhi

October 7, 2023

“A liar will not be believed even when he speaks the truth.” – Aesop

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 24, 2023

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 24, 2023 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 24, 2023

September 24, 2023

Rantipole – N. – Ill-behaved person

September 25, 2023

Gum-tickler – N. – Strong drink

September 26, 2023

Stomachic – N. – Tummy medicine

September 27, 2023

Sassigassity – N. – Cheeky additude

September 28, 2023

Comfoozled – Adj. – Exhausted.

September 29, 2023

Mud lark – N. – Scavenging child

September 30, 2023

Penipotentiary – N. – Diplomatic agent

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 17, 2023

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of September 24, 2023

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 24, 2023

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 24, 2023 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 24, 2023

September 24, 2023

“In the end, we are our choices.” – Bezos

September 25, 2023

“Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall.” – Shakespeare

September 26, 2023

“If you want to go fast go alone. if you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

September 27, 2023

“Knowledge is not what is memorised. Knowledge is what benefits.” – Al-Shafi‘i

September 28, 2023

“Teach thy tongue to say ‘I do not know,’ and thou shalt progress.” – Maimonides

September 29, 2023

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” – Buffett

September 30, 2023

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.” – Einstein

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 17, 2023

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 17, 2023 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 17, 2023

September 17, 2023

Quixotic – Adj. – Dreamy and impractical

September 18, 2023

Uxorious – Adj. – Doting on one’s wife

September 19, 2023

Bloviate – V. – Speak or write wordily

September 20, 2023

Sawbones – N. – Doctor

September 21, 2023

Catawampus – Adj. – Fierce

September 22, 2023

Jog-trotty – Adj. – Monotonous

September 23, 2023

Spoony – Adj. – Lovey-dovey

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 10, 2023

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of September 17, 2023

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 17, 2023

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 17, 2023 0

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 17, 2023

“Success is a journey, not a destination. It requires constant effort, vigilance and reevaluation.” – Twain

September 17, 2023

“It is better to be silent than to reveal one’s secret to anyone, and telling him not to mention it.” – Saadi

September 18, 2023

“The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.” – Garfield

September 19, 2023

“Never argue with someone whose TV is bigger than their bookshelf.” – Clarke

September 20, 2023

“Hardship can age a person overnight.” – Homer

September 21, 2023

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” – Coelho

September 22, 2023

“Knowing thyself, that is the greatest wisdom.” – Galilei

September 23, 2023

“Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.” – Marquis de Condorcet

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Last Week’s Quotes Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 10, 2023

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 10, 2023 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 10, 2023

September 10, 2023

Odium – N. – Hatred and contempt

September 11, 2023

Bumbershoot – N. – An umbrella

September 12, 2023

Swarmy – Ajd. – Phonily pleasant

September 13, 2023

Moot – Adj. – Purely academic

September 14, 2023

Tacit – Adj. – Unspoken but understood

September 15, 2023

Lugubrious – Adj. – Gloomy

September 16, 2023

Peccadillo – N. – Slight misdeed

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of September 3, 2023

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of September 10, 2023

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of September 10, 2023