Topic: Word of the Day

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of January 12, 2020 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of January 12, 2020

January 12, 2020
Chimerical – adj. – fantastic, visionary, absurdly improbable
January 13, 2020
Exiguous – adj. – small, scanty, meager
January 14, 2020
Innuendo – n. – sly hints, intimations, insinuations
January 15, 2020
Umbrage – adj. – resents, takes offense at, gets gloomy
January 16, 2020
Supplication – adj. – prayer, petition, entreaty
January 17, 2020
Pulchritude – adj. – physical beauty, attractiveness, comeliness
January 18, 2020
Limpid – n. – clear, transparent, pellucid

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of January 5, 2020

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of January 12, 2020

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of January 12, 2020

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of January 5, 2020 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of January 5, 2020

January 5, 2020
Vacuity – n. – emptiness, vacancy, inanity
January 6, 2020
Solmnolent – adj. – drowsy, tired, sleepy
January 7, 2020
Periphery – n. – boundary, edge, outside
January 8, 2020
Metamorphosis – adj. – basic change, transformation, rebirth
January 9, 2020
Ingenuous – n. – innocently frank, candid, artless
January 10, 2020
Grandiloquent – adj. – lofty, pompous, inflated
January 11, 2020
Aspersion – n. – slander, defamation, calumny

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 29, 2019

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of January 5, 2020

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of January 5, 2020

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 29, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 29, 2019

December 29, 2019
Virile – adj. – manly, masculine, vigorous
December 30, 2019
Rapacious – adj. – ferociously greedy, ravenous, predatory
December 31, 2019
Organic – adj. – basic, inherent
January 1, 2020
Incipient – adj. – begging, commencing, coming
January 2, 2020
Ductile – adj. – easily swayed, easily led, tractable
January 3, 2020
Apex – n. – high point, climax, vertex
January 4, 2020
Cogitate – v. – thinking hard, pondering, meditating

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 22, 2019

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of December 29, 2019

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of December 29, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 22, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 22, 2019
December 22, 2019
Reconnoiter – v. – spy out, examine, explore
December 23, 2019
Niggardly – adj. – stingy, miserly, penny pinching
December 24, 2019
Imbroglio – n. – tangled confusion, complicated misunderstanding, embroilment
December 25, 2019
Condign – adj. – fit, deserved, merited
December 26, 2019
Amalgamate – v. – joined, combined, consolidated
December 27, 2019
Bovine – adj. – sluggish, slow as an ox, stolid
December 28, 2019
Diurnal – adj. – daily, regular, day-time, during daylight hours

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Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 15, 2019

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of December 22, 2019

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of December 22, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 15, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 15, 2019
December 15, 2019
Affinity – adj. – mutual attraction, magnetism, instictive liking
December 16, 2019
Debauch – v. – led asray, seducted, corrupted
December 17, 2019
Impolitic – adj. – unwise, injudicious, ill advised
December 18, 2019
Officious – adj. – impertinent, fussy, meddlesome
December 19, 2019
Schism – n. – division, disunion or a difference of opinion
December 20, 2019
Voracious – adj. – all devouring, greedy, ravenous
December 21, 2019
Reprobation – n. – disapproval, censure, rejection

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 8, 2019

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of December 15, 2019

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of December 15, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 8, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 8, 2019

December 8, 2019
Corroboration – adj. – confirmation, without making certain
December 9, 2019
Flamboyant – adj. – showy, flowery, bombastic
December 10, 2019
Concomitant – n. – accompanying, involved, attendant
December 11, 2019
Salubrious – n. – health giving, wholesome, salutary
December 12, 2019
Coterie – n. – set, social group, clique
December 13, 2019
Abort – v. – failed, came for nothing, miscarried
December 14, 2019
Nuance – n. – shades of difference, subtle variations

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 1, 2019

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of December 8, 2019

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of December 8, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 1, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of December 1, 2019

December 1, 2019
Puissant – n. – strong, mighty, potent
December 2, 2019
Sonorous – n. – deep, rich, resonant
December 3, 2019
Impetus – n. – energy of motion, push, stimulus
December 4, 2019
Querulous – n. – peevish, fretful, nagging
December 5, 2019
Profligate – n. – wasteful, careless, extravagant
December 6, 2019
Inchoate – n. – just beginning, rudimentary, incipient
December 7, 2019
Bourgeois – adj. – conventional, middle-class, respectable

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 24, 2019

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of December 1, 2019

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of December 1, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 24, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 24, 2019

November 24, 2019
Indolence – adj. – laziness, inertia, relaxed inexertion
November 25, 2019
Hypothetical – adj. – theoretical, logical, conjectural
November 26, 2019
Saturnine – adj. – grave, morose, taciturn
November 27, 2019
Petulant – n. – bad-tempered, peevish, irritable
November 28, 2019
Culpable – n. – much to blame, deserving of censure, deserving of reproach, responsible
November 29, 2019
Fecundity – adj. production, fruitfulness, prolificness
November 30, 2019
Dichotomy – adj. – division into two parts, split, dualism

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 17, 2019

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of November 24, 2019

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Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of November 24, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 17, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 17, 2019

November 17, 2019
Spurious – n. – false, fake, counterfeit
November 18, 2019
Retinue – n. – escort, attentive group, suite
November 19, 2019
Paucity – n. – insufficiency, lack, scarcity
November 20, 2019
Recondite – n. – complicated, difficult to grasp, abstruse
November 21, 2019
Apposite – n. – fitting, appropriate, apt
November 22, 2019
Licentious – n. – immoral, lewd, libertine
November 23, 2019
Invidious – n. – offensive, unjust, unfair

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 10, 2019

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Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of November 17, 2019

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of November 17, 2019

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 3, 2019 0

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of November 3, 2019

November 3, 2019
Torpid – n. – sluggish, inactive, lethargic
November 4, 2019
Virago – n. – scolding, ill-tempered wife, shrew
November 5, 2019
Placid – n. – still, calm, tranquil
November 6, 2019
Nadir – n. – rock bottom, low/lowest point, the depths
November 7, 2019
Altruism – adj. – thoughtfulness, unselfishness, concern for others
November 8, 2019
Meretricious – n. – false, flashy, specious
November 9, 2019
Nonentity – n. – nobody, person of no influence, unnoticed person

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Last Week’s Words Can Be Found At

Word(s) Of The Day – For The Week Of October 27, 2019

This Week’s Thoughts Of The Day Can Be Found At

Thought(s) Of The Day – For the Week of November 3, 2019

This Week’s Quotes Of The Day Can Be Found At

Quote(s) Of The Day – For the week of November 3, 2019