Topic: Management

So, Let's consider: When to Delegate 0

So, Let’s consider: When to Delegate

For the purposes of our little discussion here, we’re going to presume that a “manager” is a person that is in charge of multiple functions, people, deadlines, resources, projects, and basically everything else that has to get done, from a higher level, to make an entity work efficiently and profitably.
When you’re managing your company, group, department, whatever, you’re doing lots of things. Many times, you’re doing the same tasks, repetitively. Other times, they’re tasks that you could do, but your time is more valuable in another direction. A good manager knows when it’s time to hand off these tasks to a subordinate to perform. This allows the manager to stay fresh, work on managing and let other do the “doing” part of the jobs. This also helps you as a manager to be more productive, creative, develop new ideas and functions and in short be more successful and have a more successful company, department, etc.
This is called delegating and we’re going to look at a few reasons you should seriously give to using delegation strategies.

Not enough time

The fact remains, there’s only so many hours in a day and when your to-do list regularly still has important items on it at the end of your day, then it’s time to offload some of these things to someone else that can do them for you. Save your to-do lists for a week or appropriate period of time, then review them for tasks that someone else in your department could do well and let them have them. This will free your time up for higher priority items, strategic planning and big picture development.

You don’t know enough about the task to do it well

This comes under the “lack of expertise” area. None of us knows everything about everything. And few managers are skilled at all the tasks they’re going to have to perform. Things like dealing with IT, personnel, sales, accounting, marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, etc., requires that you juggle a lot of hats. There’s going to be times when you’re just not going to have the experience that you want to get the job done the way you want it to be done. Frankly there may also be times when you have to do things that you just don’t like and would prefer not to do. Then, find someone that does know what needs to be done and likes doing it. Don’t feel you have to learn and know everything. You’ll be happier knowing it’s getting done, done correctly and you can be working on other things you need to be doing.

A staff member wants to learn and grow

So, let them! By giving staff members additional training and responsibilities you not only help develop your in house resources, you give them new skills and added experience beyond the redundant tasks that they are doing already. Nobody likes to get bored and nobody will stay at your company if they stay bored. Giving them new challenges and opportunities to learn, grow and do will make for not only happier, more satisfied, employees but also ones that are smarter and know how to help you and your company as well. If you invest in them, they’ll probably invest in you!

You’re bored

OK, at one time what you’re doing was your life’s goal and dream. You’re there, been there and now you’re not sure you want 1to stay there. You’re finding that your former goal is your current bane. OK, so, you’re normal. Admit it. But that doesn’t mean you have to throw the baby out with the bath water! Find someone else that shares the dream you probably still have or had and make a deal with them to continue your dream with you. Let them run point on the old dream and put your newest dream into action. You’ll feel better, your employees will appreciate you and your old dream will still grow!

When it costs more to do it yourself than have someone else do it

Time is money. Your time has value. Not only to yourself but to your company. Should they continue to may you some expensive rate to do what you’re doing or can you have someone else to the same thing at a substantial cost savings? If you can farm it out, or hire someone else cheaper with the same quality and productivity, then do it! Yes, when it’s your baby it’s sometimes hard to want to give up control, but it’s better for you sometimes to do just that. This will free you up to spend your time and money in another area where the return on your investment will be even greater.
Delegating may not be easy. Especially if it’s your baby that you’re giving away, it may be hard to give up some of the hands on control that you built and still feel. But, you many need to wisely let someone else help work with what you have built so that you can continue to build and grow. And, that’s goodness all around.

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

So, Let's consider: The business plan from a high level 0

So, Let’s consider: The business plan from a high level

Undoubtedly you’ve heard the true’ism that “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” This is just one of the laws of life and business.
Today, we’re going to look at the business side. It’s called a “business plan”. Now, we’re looking at this at a very high level right now and in a future consider we’ll dig in a bit deeper, maybe even take it in parts and look at some of the planning strategies.
The business plan is an organized document where you have spelt out what you plan to do, where you plan to go and how you plan to get there.
We start out with the summary. This is also sometimes referred to as the “executive summary” – depending on how much ego you have on the table. This is a synopsis of the big picture’s entire plan with all the major areas briefly enumerated – including why you think this idea will succeed.
This is follow by the business description. Here you explain your company or endeavor. Included would be things like where do you plan on locating your company or corporate functions(offices, manufacturing, distribution, warehouses, etc.). How biz are you planning your operation to be? What kind of operations are you planning, what are you selling and who are you selling it to?
Next we need to look at the environment you’re going to be operating in – sometimes called industry or market analysis. What are the markets you plan on being in? Who and what are your ompetition and how do they fare vs what you plan on presenting to the market place? How big is the market that you plan on selling in and are there any current trends and directions that you will have to deal with or plan on capitalizing on?
After this section, we need to discuss your products and how you plan on selling and marketing them. What kinds of strategies are you going to use, how will the products be branded and marketed? What is your target market and how are you going to penetrate and succeed in it? Any particular promotional campaign concepts that you plan on using or niche identifying monikers, etc., that will be used to set your products apart from the rest of the market space?
Now, let’s discuss how things are going to happen. Operationally you need to detail what you and your company will be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to be successful. Are there any special raw material sources that are a concern and needed? What kinds of processing take need to take place, how, and where? If you’re dealing internationally there will be transportation and legal logistics as well as currency issues you need to consider.
Finally, there’s the question of who is going to do all this work. How many employees and how are they distributed not only in terms of location but as well as function. If you need specialty talents you need to list them. How many? Where can they be gotten and how much are they going to cost? What resources are they going to need to be productive? And why are these people qualified to be doing what you need to get done?
OK, so in six paragraphs, we’ve over viewed what some companies spend many pages spelling out. How much you need to spell out and in what depth of detail will depend on you and what your plans and ideas are.
Now, it’s time for you to venture forth and be a success.

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't know…" 0

There’s nothing wrong with saying “I don’t know…”
Have you ever been stuck having to listen to someone trying BS their way through a question or subject when they clearly don’t have a clue what they’re talking about? This happens frequently in meetings and other gatherings and you really just want to wave your big “Silence is Golden” sign above the crowd…or maybe just slip them a note that says the same thing?
It’s simple. Just learn how to say the three words: “I don’t know”…. There will be times when you’re put on the spot or asked to comment on a topic that you’re not up to date on. Sometimes these events are a surprise, sometimes you just draw a mental blank. It happens. Perhaps it’s something that you should have known but didn’t. And, this gives you a chance to do some further research in your spare time…
Perhaps you can even save face by volunteering to find the answer and supply it in an agreed to method and venue…
Face it, we’re not all knowing gods and we’re not supposed to know every answer all the time. Be honest and forthright with people and they will respect your candor and honesty.
You’ve been there before and you’ll be there again. Just a simple “I don’t know”, properly placed, may be all you need to say… But it would be a good idea to find out for next time.
I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

F*E*A*R* 0


I ran into an interesting lecture from Jack Canfield today. He refers to the word “fear” as an acronym.

He defines FEAR as Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real.

This reminds of me of Winston Churchill’s “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”…. Add to this Henry Ford’s “If you think you can’t do something, you probably can’t….”

Just a few thoughts to ponder.

Go forth and conquer!

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.