Topic: Family

Family centric items – trips, things for families to do

So, you need to sell something. 0

So, you need to sell something.

OK, so, you’re finally getting around to all that fall/spring cleaning that you told yourself for the last several life times that you were going to do.
Now, you have a pile of stuff you need to get rid of, but you think there’s a few buck$ in it and you don’t want to throw it out.
What to do? Well, here’s a few ideas to consider:
eBay and Craigslist: Granted you will pay a fee and you may want to give serious consideration to meeting the prospective buyers in a neutral location like post office parking lot of police station, but eveyone knows they exist and looks there.
5Miles ( In theory they attempt to weed out potential theives and you should be able to verify the potential buyers by phone, facebook, etc. By the way, ALWAYS use your cell phone – NEVER use your land line.
Varagesale ( Safety is a primary priority on this site and buyers and sellers contact each other via facebook prior to meeting.
Poshmark ( Touts itself as the venu to buy and sell fashion. Be careful for the fees they charge and like all sites, make sure you read the fine print before using them.
The Trove Market Place ( If you want to unload things like furniture, artwork, antiques, etc., then this may be a place to look at. They charge a fee for using credit cards and you, like Amazon, you have a way of reviewing the seller’s ratings before buying.
Amazon ( If you can’t find it or sell it on amazon, it doesn’t exit. It’s an easy place to unload books or if you want to start an online junk store then you’ve possibly found your nirvana.
Kiiboo ( you can find more tech centric items here. Also, cameras, laptops, and other things many of which you’d find on ebay, amazon, craigslist, etc. It’s always nice to have options.
As always, buyer and seller beware. There’s a crook born every minute and it’s up to you to protect yourself and your best interests.
Good luck and good shopping…

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand…

So, Let's consider: The art of listening 0

So, Let’s consider: The art of listening
“Can you hear me now?” We’ve all seen that annoying advert with the guy wondering around with a cell phone to his head, wanting to make sure that he’s being heard. Granted this video clip is pure propaganda for a cell phone vendor, but let’s think about this concept a bit further and deeper.
Everyone wants to be heard and understood. It’s not only part of good communication it’s also part of accepting and feeling accepted. And, with good mutual acceptance and communication comes trust and the development of many other good things not only in personal lives but in business as well.
So, let’s look at how we can develop our listening skills a bit.
Pay attention
Nobody likes to feel like they’re being ignored while they’re trying to say something they feel is important and relevant to someone else. So, if you find yourself in an environment filled with distractions, noises or anything else that takes your attention from someone trying to talk with you, simply move to a different room or a quieter place of the room you’re in. If it’s bad timing, simply state so and suggest a better time and place where you both can meet to give the speaker and the subject the attention it deserves.
Engage the speaker and ask questions
Many times it’s a good idea to ask a few clarifying questions just to make sure you’re both thinking along the same lines. It also helps to show interest in the speaker and topic and aids in building rapport with the person(s) you’re talking with. And, when you may need a little time to think about what’s being presented and what your responses might be, it helps to buy you that time.
Let your body show you’re listening
Face the speaker directly and establish eye contact. Facing them and looking at them helps establish that you’re not just there physically, but also mentally. If you need to take a few notes, do so. Sometimes I find that writing notes on the back of their business card helps me not only remember what I was talking about, but where I may want to take the conversation at a later time, and it’s always nice to have the person’s contact info on the other side. Also, avoid looking around while you’re talking, this is not only distracting to them but discourteouse as well.
Listening is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Yet, it’s an important building block in communication and business. People will really know and understand that what they say matters when you listen, and listening is a very worthwhile investment in the development and maintenance of any relationship.
So, now, go forth, and listen.
I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

New Shingles Vaccine – Shingrix – and you should be looking it over 0

New Shingles Vaccine – Shingrix – and you should be looking it over
OK, so this week it was time to once again make a periodic pilgrimage to my family doctor. This also meant filling out the same forms I seem to have to fill out with each visit…it’s like they think my name, birthday,
sex, etc., have changed in 6 months. Haven’t these people ever heard of computers?
Anyway, back to my point. I’m a big proponent of prevention. Keeping current on my vaccines is generally high on my hit parade of discussion topics during these meetings. Come to find out there’s a relatively new vaccine out for shingles. It’s called Shingrix. It’s a two-part process, which means you get one shot today and the 2nd one in a month or so as part of the standard regiment plan. You can generally get it at your local pharmacy and if you have a chemist like mine, she has this unique smile when you mention getting a vaccination – I think she likes giving shots – but frankly I wouldn’t trade her…and my local pharmacy is generally where I get my vaccinations.
The older version of this vaccine was called Zostavax and like many of you I had that as well. But, come to find out, it is believed to be only 50% effective over time whereas Shingrix is believed to be closer to 97%. Shingrix is also made with a completely different biological process – you could say it’s the new and improved, latest and greatest. And, I’m all for this kind of progress!
For those of you that haven’t had shingles, trust me, you don’t want them. We’re talking painful…as in kidney stones and giving birth levels of pain. I’ve not had it, but everything I’ve ever read and heard has assured me conclusively that it’s not to be on my bucket list of things to do. If you’ve ever had chicken pox you’re a good candidate for shingles. But you don’t have to have had a full blown case of c.pox to get shingles.
So, why am I even bringing this out, after all, I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on TV…? Simple. Prevention is the better part of cure. Clearly there’s something that’s new, safe and substantially more effective than the older version and it’s something you need to be talking with your primary care provider(s) about. Like many other vaccinations, it’s one you can get easily at most local pharmacies.
So, I recommend you add this to the conversation list of your next doctor’s visit and give it serious consideration. A couple of shots could save you some major pain and discomfort.
Here’s a few links for your continued research and study:
Standard legal CYA caveat: Always talk with your medical professional before making medical decisions.
I’m Don Rima, and that’s the view, From Where I Stand.

Responding to yet another gun violence editorial… 0

Responding to yet another gun violence editorial…
I get a lot of periodicals. Frankly, I read their index and if the article(s) impress me I’ll read the articles.
I got a medical journal in today’s post and like many other editors, this one decided that it was important
for her to jump on the gun bandwagon. Actually, hers was better than most, but still leaned more away from
dealing with the real sources of violence than I would have liked. So I replied:
I’m glad to read that your comments were more balanced than most I read of late, especially in the liberal media.
We DO have a problem. Even though it partially manifests itself through the improper use of guns, it’s not per se a gun problem. It IS a VIOLENCE problem.
Guns have been around for a very long time. We used to even have shooting teams in schools and at scouting meetings. Kids would bring their own guns for target practice, have them in their cars/trucks, etc. I would
point you to recent comments by the Governor of Kentucky on this. I agree with his opinion, it’s not a gun problem(
You referred to the events at Douglas High where CLEARLY had the FBI and local law enforcement been doing their jobs instead of being politically correct or trying to oust a sitting president instead of protecting students, these events may have been prevented. Law enforcement failed Douglas.
So, why do we of recent history have an increased violence issue? Why are people using violence as their means of choice? I don’t have the answers, but I do have a few questions and concerns:
Clearly the psychological impact of the massive violence that kids are inundated with in the media, on TV, in the movies, with incredibly violent video games HAS to have a negative impact on them. Clearly we can’t have a generation being raised on the evening murder du jour or playing violent games like “grand theft auto” (where killing cops and people is encouraged) and it not have a negative impact on them.
The massive degradation of the family unit clearly has a negative impact.
The lack of church attendance and respect for church values has a negative impact.
Lack of respect for life is a problem and lessening of the value of life clearly has to be impacted by how life’s
value has no value in what kids are being given/shown/presented/bombarded with in the media/movies/games/etc.
The media and authorities are looking for a quick and politically correct “out” for the problem. To them guns are the issue and removing guns will be the global solution to the problem. Well, history shows us that just doesn’t work. I would refer you to recent events in Australia where all guns were outlawed and in theory confiscated – violent crime soared because the criminals knew that the victims were defenseless. This continued until Aussie citizens obtained weapons on the black market and started being able to defend themselves. Also, look at the UK, where also firearms are outlawed – London recently surpassed NYC in the number of murders. Clearly, violence will find the tools it wants to do the deeds it will. The question remains, will you be able to defend yourself or your family when it does? Keep in mind that when second count, cops are minutes away. And we can’t expect them to be everywhere all the time. That’s just not possible.
Guns are inanimate objects. And if you took high school physics you know that an object at rest will stay there until acted upon by an external force. Period. That’s just a fact of life. Some people just need to learn to deal with that fact.
When we have a drunk driver committing a vehicular homicide do we blame Ford? Why not? We blame the gun! Do we blame the car dealer for selling the drunk the car? Why not? We blame gun manufacturers and vendors. Do we blame the AAA or other automotive associations for the events? Nope, but liberals will blame the NRA. Same thing goes for any other crime committed with a vehicle – robbery, theft, kidnapping, etc… With these crimes we correctly blame the CRIMINAL. The perpetrator of the crime. NOT the car… The only reason guns get blamed is because they don’t fit the politically correct agendas of left wing socialist media and mindsets that would rather not deal with the causes of the real issues. Now, some liberals will respond with “you have to have a license to drive a car”… No you don’t. Consider how many auto thefts there are each week…and how many people don’t have licenses yet drive – let alone those that drive without insurance which is another law issue.
In the medical world, we would liken this to the stupidity of thinking that of giving tylenol to a patient with brain cancer as the solution to their problems, while totally ignoring the causes of the disease. America and society needs to stop ignoring the causes of the violence disease, find them and deal with them. And quickly. This continued trend of dealing with the symptoms by thinking that getting rid of guns is the solution, is only going to kill our patient, our society, our fellow man, our kids and ourselves.
Pardon the pun, but there is no “silver bullet” here. It would more than appear that the causes of why we are here and having this discussion are many and will take time and effort to change. But, we need to deal with the causes of the violence as violence will use a baseball bat, knife, machette, steak knife or whatever tools it can do achieve it’s goals. And being one that likes not only baseball but a good steak, I’d hate to see the politically correct being allowed to misdirect us from a proper and correct solution.
I’m Don Rima, and that the view, From Where I Stand.

Why is it snowflakes and liberals can't do math??? 0

Why is it snowflakes and liberals can’t do math???
OK, I’ve had enough of this left wing BS. I was recently more or less accused of supporting the “blood sport of killing children” because to me clearly the publix food chain totally, and wrongly, capitulated to the socialist demands of Soros’s pet pigg. Frankly, I think they should have hauled out all those “die in” idiots, provided they didn’t get stomped on by justifiably irate customers, and thrown their sorry asses in jail! Sorry, the first amendment doesn’t allow you to disrupt business at Publix or anywhere else! Frankly, Publix you WIMPED OUT!
NOBODY supports the “blood sport of killing children”. But only a small vocal segment are using it to push their socialist agenda.
I just do not understand why liberals can’t do math. Look at the facts:
Yes, a small number of kids have been killed in unfortunate school related incidents. Let’s say that the number in recent history is 200 +/-…
– Texting while driving
– Drunk driving and/or drunk drivers
– Drugs
– NON-GUN related homicides…
– Gang violence
– The FBI publishes a list every year – GO READ IT!
Whereas the 200 or so are a definite concern issue, WHY ARE THE TENS OF THOUSANDS BEING TOTALLY IGNORED????
You’ll tell me there’s laws for drunk drivers, YES! And there’s laws for gun use….etc! So, WHY are the tens of thousands being ignored?
Best reason so far, is that drunk driving, cell phone use, school kids being butchered by other means, etc., just don’t matter to socialists who have an anti gun agenda. To them using the 200 to get rid of your 2nd amendment rights is the only things that matter and the tens of thousands…well, they’re just ignored…to them just collateral damage…just not part of the socialist and liberal media current politically correct agenda…
WAKE UP LEFTIES! DEAD IS DEAD! If you think that a parent that loses a kid to a stabbing, drunk driver or another means hurts any less than one killed in school, you’re WRONG! If you think a cop likes telling parents in their home that their kid was stabbed by some gang, YOU’RE WRONG.
Once again, wake up call for socialists and liberals – It’s NOT A GUN ISSUE – IT’S A VIOLENCE ISSUE! Criminals don’t care about laws. Criminals will do ANYTHING they can to do their deeds! That’s the facts. YOU need to wake up, understand and accept the reality.
As for me, I’d love to see a solution for the violence that killed the 200 just as much as I would the tens of thousands killed by other means of violence… It’s just unfortunate that the socialist left wing media and the anti-gun movement is more intent in inflicting a version of their politically correct panacea on America than dealing with the disease at the causes of the violence.
I’m Don Rima, and that’s the view From Where I Stand….

Time To Spring clean your smart phone 0

Time To Spring clean your smart phone
OK, so, when you’re making your spring cleaning list it’s important to add your cell phone to it. Face it, through
the year’s worth of use your phone’s memory is full, apps are running slower, so it’s time to refresh that phone and clean/tune it up a bit.
Here’s a few ideas:
Make sure it’s backed up
Check your phone’s manual or just google for your phone type and backup. You can backup to the cloud (if you trust it) or to you local PC. Connect and follow the instructions and away you go. Do this first to avoid losing anything that may be of some importance. Actually, you should be doing this periodically anyway.
Delete unused apps
If you’re not using them, you don’t need them. And, you could use the memory for something else.
Close all open apps
Open apps take memory. They also reduce performance on your phone. Frankly, you should periodically be closing all your open apps anyway and periodically doing a power cycle (off/on) of your phone just to give it the chance to clean up its act.
Make sure your apps are up to date
Chances are you’ve been hounded by your phone already about apps needing updating, but you could be like many folks that just don’t update their apps…and since some apps need connection to a higher speed source (wifi, etc) you may have had to delay doing your updates. Do it now. If you’re low on memory you may have to stagger the updates and do only a few at a time.
Frankly, it’s best to keep current on your apps. What I like to do is open my app update icon, then select update all. I generally do this in the evening before hitting the shower or pillow…and when I get up everything is generally updated, charged and ready to go.
Transfer your pictures, etc
OK, so you’ve been using your phone as a camera and a repository for all kinds of pictures, documents and
whatever your needs are. It’s time to move them off the phone and onto some form of external storage. This can be your PC, cloud(if you trust it), or whatever devices work best for you. The process varies by phone type but generally just plug your phone into the USB port of your PC and follow the software/manufacturer’s instructions and you’re gold.
Delete old emails and text message
Again, if you don’t need it, don’t keep it. Memory on a cell phone is expensive. And, chances are that ping you did to the friend you’ve not seen since 3rd grade isn’t a high priority item to be keeping.
Delete old histories
Many of your apps, especially your internet browswers, are potentially keeping massive amounts of historical data that not only do you not need to keep having around, you may not want some others knowing it’s out there. So, delete it. The methods will vary based on the apps…but start with your internet browsers, etc., and work from there. Frankly you should be doing this periodically anyway as these apps and their history logs are generally just a waste of space.
Give it an external wipe down
OK, you’ve cleaned up the insides, now it’s time to clean up the outside. Over short periods of time you’d be surprised how much stuff gets in the cracks of your phone…all kinds of bugs, viruses, bacteria, etc., and frankly, you don’t need to be exposing yourself to that kinda stuff every day anyway. Again, this is something that you really should be considering doing periodically. Don’t soak your phone in a solution as this will trash your phone and your warranty, but a damp cloth carefully used will work wonders!
Good luck and safe phoning!
I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

Great Mills, Maryland High School – A good gun taking out a bad gun and saving lives! Yes, it actually works that way! 0

Great Mills, Maryland High School – A good gun taking out a bad gun and saving lives! Yes, it actually works that way!

OK folks, so here we go again. Someone in a school thinks that the way to solve their problems is through VIOLENCE, VIOLENT ACTS and, yes, once again they used a gun. However, as everyone with half a brain has been saying for a long time, to take out a bad guy with a gun, you need a good guy with a gun. Unlike recent events in Florida where the local sheriff’s department decided to go on coffee break during the shooting, the school safety officer at Great Mills actually decided to DO THEIR JOB and took out this murderous thug! At the same time probably saving many from injury and death! This guy deserves a hero’s welcome.

However, I kinda doubt this officer wants to be considered a hero. Every GOOD cop I know of sends up a prayer every time they strap on their sidearm that they won’t be faced with a situation where they would have to use it. That they won’t be faced with a situation where they would have to take another life to save themselves or others. That’s the sign of a good cop…and yes, there are a few of them out there!
Interestingly enough, I’ve yet to see CNN and their corp of crisis actors crowing about gun violence and how all guns need to be removed.

I’m really happy that I DON’T see the likes of idiots like David Hogg or his skin headed gal pal, running their mouths and claiming to be students here, there, and everywhere, and pushing CNN and the socialist media’s anti-gun agenda. What amazes me even more is that the likes of ilk like CNN’s gun carrying Anderson Cooper haven’t called it an “assault gun” yet….but to them, anything that doesn’t fit their socialist, anti-2nd amendment, anti-American view, is called an “assault weapon”. Makes you wonder if CNN didn’t have enough time to plan for this one(pardon the sarcasm!).

We still are no closer, thanks to the liberal lame stream media and all the socialist sycophants in congress, to finding out the root causes of all this recent violence of the past weeks, months and years… And, until we find out WHY THE VIOLENCE EXISTS, it will continue.
People think they can point to countries like Australia and the UK that banned guns…but they don’t tell you the rest of the picture that the major crimes, armed robberies, assaults, etc., ACTUALLY INCREASED DRAMATICALLY…until people bought guns on the black market and were actually able to defend themselves once again. The UK actually had a “turn in your knives” campaign for a while as violence with knives was so high! Yeah, it failed.

It’s interesting to realize that in a city like Kennessaw Georgia, where the local law is you MUST have a gun in your home, major crimes are substancially lower than in cities that ban guns…with I think only one murder…in like 6 years…Hmmm…wonder why?

The socialist lame stream media like to point to statistics of how guns are used in murders in the US and at a much higher rate than the rest of the civilized world…but if you remove just five cities (which also have the strongest gun laws) of DC, New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago and NYC, all cities that have been run by liberal management for a long time, the US finds itself at almost the BOTTOM of the same statistical report. Anyone wonder why?

Clearly the left wing lame stream media are more interested in pushing their socialist agenda, hyping up unfortunate events and in short, not giving a damn about anything but their own agenda.

So, it’s up to us to figure this out on our own…clearly CNN, The FBI, et al, are to busy attacking Trump to care….

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

Thought Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 7, 2018 0

Thought Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of January 7, 2018

January 7, 2018

Grab happiness in the passing moments of life. Don’t let life pass you up.

January 8, 2018

Keep a stash of extra batteries – you never know when you need a charge.

January 9, 2018

Love carries great expectations, and, great obligations.

January 10, 2018

Be afraid only of standing still. Remember: A rolling stone gathers no moss.

January 11, 2018

Be yourself. There’s only one you and you don’t want anyone else being you.

January 12, 2018

Love always eases pain…so does novacaine…

January 13, 2018

Never underestimate the power of simple courtesy…please…

Last Week’s Thoughts Can Be Found At:

Thought Of The Day – For The Week Of For The Week Of December 31, 2017

School shootings – clearly CNN, et al, are to busy attacking Trump to care about a REAL solution! 0

School shootings – clearly CNN, et al, are to busy attacking Trump to care about a REAL solution!

For all of you who may wonder why I’ve come out against all the pavlovians touting their anti-gun BS in light of the recent unfortunate shootings in Florida, the answer is simple:

I’m looking at the bigger picture in terms of how many people are actually killed and how killing should be prevented in the first place. It’s NOT a knife or gun issue at all…It’s a violent mindset… Hell, our first murder in recorded history was done with a ROCK! It’s not the rocks, it’s the violent mindset…what is causing that (hint: liberal media doesn’t want to find out), how can it be removed, identified, dealt with? (Hint: liberal media won’t sell ads if there’s no major deaths they can create hype and hysteria over and it doesn’t fit into their overt liberal agenda – so again no interest)

Let’s also look at the 41000 people killed on the roads last year from drunk drivers…far more than the 17 in Florida but for their families as well, just as tragic….again, no liberal media coverage…

I’m looking at the bigger picture of preventable deaths and how prevention can be used and problems identified BEFORE they cause deaths…and clearly so are many others….but, again, the media doesn’t care since it doesn’t fit into their liberal agenda nor into their profitability plans…. Go figure…
So, it’s up to us to figure this out on our own…clearly CNN, et al, are to busy attacking Trump to care….

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.

School shootings – more gun laws aren’t the answer and never will be! 0

School shootings – more gun laws aren’t the answer and never will be!

OK Anti-gun liberals and the rest of your pansy liberal pals… – so, how are new laws going to fix anything???

The NRA has been around LONGER THAN YOU HAVE! and longer than you have been twisting the news to fit your biased liberal views… So have guns… I bought my first one when I was in high school at a K-Mart…18 round semi-auto…fired all of them in under 2 seconds…Gee, NO MASS SHOOTINGS ON CAMPUS! Uh, do you have an answer for that????

You and your pavlovian liberal pals need to wake up and realize IT’S NOT THE GUNS…IT’S NOT THE NRA… IT’S HOW SOCIETY HAS BEEN DESENSITIZED TO KILLING!!! The sources of this are plenty! Start with your local TV, Violent Movies that Hollywood makes $BILLION$ on agrandizing uber violence, then go to uber violent VIDEO GAMES….and work the list from there!

You’re SUPPOSED TO BE a smart guy, the path is OBVIOUS!

You probably studied physics at one time. You should remember that it’s a LAW OF PHYSICS that an object at rest WILL STAY AT REST UNTIL ACTED UPON BY AN EXTERNAL FORCE! Simply put for liberals, GUNS DON’T KILL UNLESS A HUMAN USES THEM TO KILL WITH!

So, let’s ask the obvious question you liberals want to avoid: WHY ARE HUMANS KILLING??? Oh, thinking about that means we have to come up with REAL answers to REAL problems…Hmmm…liberals don’t like that….

Add to this the break down of the home, society morals in general, the lack of respect or value for life….and the list grows…

Don’t blame guns for killing anyone any more than you should blame a car for vehicular homicide! …unless of course, you want to wake up and realize that there are THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS MORE
KILLINGS each and every year done by cars driven by drunk drivers…and no liberal seems to care about that! ….I wonder why….

This problem of horror we get faced with on a fairly regular basis isn’t going away and it isn’t going to go away with the outlawing of guns any more than drugs have with the outlawing of drugs. WTFU! This is going to take a MAJOR MINDSET CHANGE in the part of society. Back to respect for each other and for live and human values.

I’m Don Rima and that’s the view From Where I Stand.